Sunday, July 12, 2015

26 and Counting...

Well, it's official. I have experienced this world and everything it has to offer for a whopping 26 years. Although I thought the "milestone" of turning 25 was slightly depressing, being on the downward slope to 30 caused me to stop and think for a minute. After a minute (I counted), I came to a two beautiful conclusions that, although 26 years seems like a lot of time to spend on this planet, I 1) have many more years to go and 2) have learned so many things.

Now, it would be really cool to sit here and talk to you guys and gals about what will happen in the "many more years" to come. However, I could probably give you a very vague and brief description of what will happen tomorrow morning, and that's about the extent of my guessing.

Instead, I wanted to compile a list. A list featuring 26 things that I have learned during my 26 years. Through the experience of joy, heart ache, mourning, and boredom, something had to be learned, right?

Let's dive in....

1. At holidays with the family, don't be the last to show up and the first to leave. I guarantee if you do, you'll miss a great memory (not to mention great photo ops with my family).

2. Be open-minded. Most times you cannot change the circumstances surrounding you, but you can always change your mindset. Allow yourself to make that change.

3. Don't ask questions when you're not ready for the answers... someone will answer it for you honestly, and the truth may hurt.

4. Get lost in a book. Period.

5. Don't always take life so serious. Let loose. Dance a little bit in public. Have fun.

6. If you're ridiculously lucky, you'll have at least one person in your life that you can tell anything to without judgment. Never take that person for granted.

7. Do spontaneous things out of your comfort zone (like, getting a tattoo on vacation).

8. Never underestimate the power of sending a thank-you card.

9. Try new foods that you never thought you'd enjoy. You never know, it just may become your favorite dish (which is why I crave sushi 7 out of 7 days in the week).

10. Start (and keep) traditions. As the years go on, you learn to appreciate them more and more (not to mention, planning things become much easier).

11. If you have an opinion, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if you're the only one standing in the room.

12. Every person you meet has a unique story. Allow them to be their own story teller, not someone else.

13. Love yourself. Seriously. Love yourself. Easier said than done, I know. But truly, deeply, and genuinely love yourself.

14. Give your dreams a fighting chance. They may not always work out the way you had hoped, but you'll never have to look back and ask yourself "what if?"

15. Don't laugh at a joke that you don't understand because, inevitable, the person next to you (who also didn't understand the joke) will ask you to explain why it was funny.

16. Talking on the phone is lame, but sometimes it is necessary. Don't reject every call.

17. Don't be a hero, put on sunblock.

18. Set goals.
18b. Don't set ridiculous goals that you can't obtain. For example, I'm not going to set a goal to walk on the moon. Instead, set goals that will challenge you.

19. Find a place (or two) that you can go to alone to find comfort and peace. Often times, this can be found somewhere in nature (on a lake, on a mountain, posted up under a tree, etc.).

20. Listen to mom and dad. This doesn't necessarily mean to do exactly what they say, but take their advice into consideration and appreciate what they have to say.

21. Pray. For requests, on the behalf of others, or for appreciation and gratitude. Just don't stop praying.

22. Sometimes, all you need is to go on a cruise (alone or with friends). Don't let the price of gas keep you from cleaning your mind or making a memory.

23. Write your own words in greeting cards. Sure, people get paid to write some general comments like "Happy Birthday!" or "Get Well Soon..", but no one can say how you feel better than you.

24. If possible, go to college away from home. It will "force" you to make new friends, try new things, and gain responsibility before you enter the "real world".

25. Netflix has been, is, and always will be bae (and yes, I hate this term, too... but sometimes you just need to call a duck a duck).

26. Be the best version of yourself. Don't be someone that others want you to be. Be you. Make the most out of the 26 years.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who has made each birthday and each year so special. Whatever season you were in my life, and regardless of how long or short that season seemed to be, I am thankful for you.
