Friday, September 21, 2012

...I'm gonna make this place your home....

American Idol winner Phillip Phillips released one of my favorite songs of 2012 earlier this year called "Home". I played the song while I was driving with the windows down, or while I was out on the boat, or walking down the street, or pretty much anywhere I could listen to music. A simple song, but for some reason I was addicted to the music and the lyrics. However, the song lacked true meaning for me until a few days ago when it came up on shuffle.

Now I have no idea what the meaning of the song is, but the song transformed into a word of encouragement for me...

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
'Cause I’m going to make this place your home

This city, Philadelphia, and all that I may experience throughout this year is a long, unfamiliar road that I am trying my best to navigate through. I may get lost (I did miss my stop today on the subway) and things may not go as I expect them to, but through it all, I'm not alone. God has my back and He is with me through every wrong turn, speed bump, and missed stop on this unfamiliar road. And the beautiful thing is, on this unfamiliar road, I've met so many unfamiliar people through unfamiliar situations that God has put together to make a beautiful experience or friendship. 

On Monday I started volunteering at my work site, International Christian High School. Although I had spoke with the principal over the summer, I really had no idea what to expect. Over the course of just four days, however, I feel like I am truly part of the faculty at ICHS, not to mention that the students there have to be the coolest group of students in the country. It's weird being called "Mr. Hammond", or even "Mr. H" (more and more students are beginning to call me this), but I feel like I may get used to it as the year proceeds. 

Today was my Sabbath day, meaning it is the day of the week designed for us to do whatever it is we enjoy that brings us peace, relaxation, and allows us to "charge our batteries", so to speak. I met Heidi and Ashton (two West Philadelphians) and Aaron at the library and we worked on various things and hung out for a few hours. Then Heidi and I went walking around Center City, and we passed a younger guy, about my age, begging for money on the street. I was drawn to him, but I kept on walking. I was mad at myself for walking by and I just kept thinking about the guy. 

10 minutes pass...

Heidi looks at me and asks how I feel about people who beg on the street. As I was explaining to her how I felt, I mentioned that we passed a guy before that I wish I would have stopped at and talked to. We then looked across the street and there he was, looking in the trash for something. She said she felt like she wanted to stop to and brought up the brilliant idea to cross the street and talk to him. We did. Unfamiliar place. Unfamiliar person. Unfamiliar situation. God putting all three together to make the most beautiful experience I've had in Philly thus far. 

We didn't talk long, about five minutes. He was about my age, maybe a year or two younger or older, I couldn't really tell. He had a blackened eye that I noticed immediately, although I decided I shouldn't ask how it got there. He talked about his situation, his family, his method of sleeping on the hot vents with two pieces of cardboard, and his hunger. I asked him if we could pray together and he said "yes", although he didn't need to verbalize it, his face lightened up with a yes. We formed a small circle on the sidewalk, held hands, and prayed together. I told him I would come by next week to visit and he thanked me, explaining how he doesn't have many friends. Then when Heidi and I left, he asked if he could give me a hug. I hope and pray that I get to see my friend, John, again.

I know I've only been in Philly for 3 weeks, which doesn't seem like a very long time in the grand scheme of things. However, God is shaping this city and community into something more than just a destination for a year-long mission trip. He is the voice singing I'm gonna make this place your home...


  1. I love this story Mitch.. I'm a strong believer in that things happen for a reason. I definitely believe that you were meant to meet John and that you touched his life more than you'll ever know just by caring enough for him to pray with him. I'll definitely say a few prayers for him myself. I'm so proud of you and what you're doing for the Lord. Keep it up!!! I love you!!!!


  2. That song now has new meaning to me as well. Those words truly do seem to be written for this journey in your life. So cool! I loved the story about John and can't wait to read your blog every week. I"m sure John is the first of many people that will touch you in this way. I love how humble you are son, but you must be reminded that you are touching them in an amazing way! John hugged you because no one ever takes the time to stop and talk to him the way you and Heidi did. No one cares enough about him to pray for him. You and Heidi made such an impact on that young man....he will forever remember that. God is using you in such an awesome way and I am the proudest mom in the world hearing your stories. And you're right....God does have your back...every minute while you're on this journey....he is right beside you, son...holding your hand...showing you the way. I look forward to next weeks' blog....
    I love you to the moon and back!
