Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Yo....Mr. H...."

I love to write. I believe there is something unique that happens when someone gives life to their thoughts and becomes vulnerable enough to share them with anyone (literally). However, as someone who loves to write, I am very particular on what each blog post is all about. I often think throughout the week of possible topics and eliminate them one by one in my head until I sit before the computer screen and my thoughts decide for me. Of course, there are exceptions. A few weeks ago I had my music on shuffle and Phillip Phillips "Home" came on, and I knew that was my blog topic for the week. Well, as I was trying to figure out what to write about for this week, I became flustered. As I paced around a small room full of computers and Sophomores, an often-heard phrase in my life reminded me that I have continually pushed back writing about one of the best parts of my experience in Philly...

Yo... Mr. H....

In this particular case, the student needed to get their vocabulary book from their locker to work on some homework. Other instances have included:

  • Can I go to the bathroom? (Still surprises me every time that people ask if they can use the restroom..)
  • I don't understand this question. (Followed by me doing very little, and the student arriving to level of understanding on his or her own..)
  • Have you ever heard (Fill in random song that I have heard here)?... (Most students are still surprised that I know of Lil' Wayne, Drake, and Frank Ocean)
  • I just turned in my homework, how much will it bring my grade up? (Ah, the perks of being a basketball coach)
  • Come look at this jawn (For those of you outside of Philly reading this, jawn is a slang word used to mean pretty much anything. For example, you are currently on your jawn reading this jawn full of jawns... Have fun...)
For the past month, I have been working at International Christian High School located in Northeast Philadelphia in an area called Olney. The school, the first Christian high school in Philly, was started by a church called Cedar Grove. However, the members of the Cedar Grove church fizzled out and left the neighborhood and their ministry behind. The church left. The school stayed. Now, nearly 45 years later, I roam the halls, create documents in the office, monitor study halls, greet students, and am building relationships as the first Mission Year team member to volunteer at ICHS. 

Now, it's time for me to be real (and probably super cheesy at the same time). In just a month, I have fallen in love with my job. As most of you know, I am no fan of waking up early, but waking up Monday through Thursday is an absolute joy because I know where I will spend the rest of my day. And sure, not every minute of the work day is spent having intentional conversations with students or even helping them with schoolwork. Most minutes are devoted to office work, answering phone calls, or searching for things to do. But even in those moments, I love being within the walls of ICHS. Working in the office, monitoring study halls, being a substitute teacher (subbed for gym last week), coaching basketball, and most importantly just being there has allowed me to affected. You see, the students at ICHS have taught me so much about life. About perseverance. About dedication. About loyalty. 

I could go on and on. And it's only been a month.

Translation: You will hear a lot more about ICHS.

I look forward to every moment at school. Every "Good morning Mr. Hammond". Every handshake. Every homework question. Every pick up game against my team. Every conversation. Every jawn.

With love,



  1. Mr H...I loved this blog! I personally loved reading about your passion for your job, the school, and the students. We, as your faithful blog readers, love hearing the passion in your words. I can't wait to hear more! Keep making an impact,son! GO Titans!!

  2. ICHS is blessed to have you and your passion to serve the LORD. Our students are responding to you because of this passion and your transparency as you listen to their stories.
    Thank you.

  3. You could always do what I do. Write down ideas that you think would make for an excellent blog post. I do that and it helps sometimes, believe me, it does. Write down ideas on a piece of paper, and the next time you do a post, have that paper with you and look at some of the stuff you've written down and choose one. That easy :D
